Sunday, September 7, 2008


Horror: it can give you many different feelings, it can make your heart beat at a crazy pace, it makes you go out of the comfort zone, it makes your imagination go wild. you can get excited or feel scared. Sometimes it can have supernatural villains, some what like mutations. Some films have the story that a disease infects the world and slowly people die or they turn into a mutation that needs to feed of other humans. Like the movie “28 days later” Horror isn’t for the faint hearted. I think horror films are one of the greatest movies around it takes the director a lot of effort to make one and get the idea for one. The horror genre was started a long time ago. before people would criticize it for being bad graphics violence and low budget films.

Now the films are high budget and take a lot of time and effort to produce one. Sometimes it can be the video editing or the make up and costumes that take the longest to get good and look real. One of my favorite movies is “dawn of the dead and the Exorcist of Emily Rose” there many other movies which are very well made and have a good stories. The first horror movies were the stories about Frankenstein and Dracula.

Horror is a worldwide language a lot of countries, many countries in the world have there own adaptation of horror movies, the French and English have some good ones and the Chinese have also.

My top 8 horror movies:
Dawn of the dead
The ring
28 days later
Saw 1-4
the omen