Monday, December 1, 2008

The Godfather

In our class we were told to write about a part from the godfather. We were told to identify parallels and contrast of the different scenes. The part we look at it when Michael Corleone is at his son’s baptizing, when that he is there he gets his people to kill off other mafia families.

There is a good contrast when Michael is in the church with his family and friends and at the same time his guys are killing people in different locations.
The other contrast between the scenes is that when then priest is picking something up to put on the child's head, at the same time one of the killer picks up a part of a gun. the priest being good and doesn't sin, while the other guy is bad and kills people.

In the part it showed different guys carrying out different jobs for Micheal, i think that its very well set up that he is in a church, while he is killing many different people. when the church peace and no violence, he is actually a very dangerous man.

this shows the part we looked at in class.

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